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Register A New Organization

If you have an interest shared by other like-minded students and would like to register to become an official group then here is your chance. Student organizations, existing and new, are required to complete the organization registration process to become registered. For new organizations, this registration process take places at the beginning of each academic school year, typically in August and September.

Every student organization must attend Student Organization Training after registering their organization (Typically held in August of each academic year). During the training, student organizations will learn about the resources and services available to them and the policies and procedures of registered student organizations at UHD.


  • Minimum of 5 members who are currently enrolled University of Houston-Downtown students (as per University Policy).
  • Members must have a minimum 2.0 grade point average and officers must have a minimum 2.5 grade point average. Officers shall include a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Other positions are encouraged as needed.
  • All organizations are required to have a constitution.
  • All organizations are required to have a full-time
  • University of Houston-Downtown faculty or staff member as an Advisor.

Registration Open: Rolling Registration Period

To be Eligible to apply for University offered funds you must be registered by: August 30 at 5pm.

All approved organizations must have a minimum of 5 representatives.

For additional questions or concerns, please contact Student Activities at