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OLC/QM Online Workshops

Professional Development Grants for Online Education:

Short-Duration Workshops from the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) and Quality Matters (QM)

Are you new to online teaching? Or, perhaps you are looking for ways to improve your online teaching skill set? The Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE) calls for applications from UHD faculty (tenured, tenure-track, non-tenure track, and adjunct) members who are interested in participating in either Quality Matters (QM) or Online Learning Consortium (OLC - formerly Sloan-C) workshops.Through this initiative, we cover your registration and award you a stipend upon completion. Faculty can apply for OLC and QM learning opportunities beginning on or after September 1 and ending before June 30 of the current academic year.

Program Descriptions

  • Quality Matters (QM): The UHD CTLE manages an institutional membership with Quality Matters (QM). The foundation of Quality Matters is the QM Rubric which is focused on principles of quality course design. Choose QM if you would like to learn more about the types and quality of components that should be present in your online course(s). Courses are typically two weeks in length and require 10-20 hours per week to complete, depending on initial skills and knowledge. These are actual online courses in which you are a student, so expect due dates and participation requirements.
  • Online Learning Consortium (OLC): The UHD CTLE manages an institutional membership with the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). OLC offers instruction in course design, with an emphasis on best practices for content delivery. With more than 120 workshops covering 50 topics, you can learn about the essentials of online teaching, social media, copyright, the TEACH act, and more. Workshop formats include 7-day asynchronous, 3-day asynchronous, and 4-hour synchronous sessions. All workshops include opportunities to interact with experts and peers. The estimated time to complete activities in each workshop is approximately 6 hours, depending on initial knowledge and skills. These are actual online courses in which you are a student, so expect due dates and participation requirements.
Program Benefits
  • Participants in QM or OLC courses will have the opportunity to learn and implement best practices in online course design and/or content delivery.
  • Faculty members receiving a UHD CTLE Professional Development Grant will be able to enroll in QM or OLC workshops free of charge.
  • Upon completion of a single QM or OLC workshop, award recipients will receive a $250 to $150 stipend.

Application Process

Complete and submit the application below (scroll down). The CTLE will cover the registration cost (we register you for the course, so don't try to register yourself) and a stipend of $150 upon completion of the workshop (which we initiate when you send us your completion certificate and your employee number). Before filling out the form, visit the OLC and/or QM websites to read about the kinds of workshops available. Make a note of the title, provider name (OLC or QM), start date, and end date, then visit the form below to fill it out and submit. Once submitted, we will review and contact you with further instructions. Alternatively, feel free to contact us for a 1:1 consultation to assist you in determining which workshops are right for you needs.

Note: The CTLE will pay for and provide a Professional Development Grant for only one workshop at a time. Depending on availability of funds, Professional Development Grant recipients are eligible to apply for an additional grant upon receiving the initial stipend for workshop completion. In this case, a new application must be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the workshop start date (for budgeting purposes, workshop must be completed prior to June 30 of the year at hand). Unfortunately, faculty cannot participate in QM and QM learning opportunities that occur at any point between June 30 and September 1. There is currently a limit of TWO workshops per year per faculty member. Faculty must submit their completion certificates (and their 7-digit employee ID number) to prior to June 30 of the academic year of their workshop for any stipends to be awarded. Certificates submitted after June 30 of the academic year the workshops are completed cannot be stipended. Stipends are processed three times a year: certificates sent in Sept 1 - Dec 1 will have a target pay date of Jan 1, certificates sent in Dec 31 - May 1 will have a target pay date of June 1, and certificates sent in May 31 - Aug 31 will have a target pay date of October 1.

Recommended Workshops

Quality Matters (view complete list)

  • Improving Your Online Course (IYOC)
    This workshop provides a structured framework for reviewing and improving your courses using the QM Rubric. Participants will review their own online courses and develop a comprehensive course improvement plan. 10/03 to 10/04, or 10/17 to 10/31
  • Applying the QM Rubric (APPQMR)
    This workshop is very strongly recommended to all UHD faculty. UHD is a QM campus, and we infuse the best practices of the QM rubric in all our CTLE offerings. It’s also a requirement for funded initiatives such as the Online Course Development Initiative (OCDI). In this session, you’ll learn the underlying principles behind the QM Rubric and the critical elements of the QM quality assurance process. You’ll also learn about drafting helpful recommendations as you apply the Rubric to an actual course. 10/01 to 10/15, 10/08 to 10/22, or 10/15 to 10/29
  • Addressing Accessibility & Usability
    Participants will learn to design courses that are accessible, usable, and readable for all learners. This session covers Universal Design for Learning, common challenges faced by learners, and strategies for creating accessible content and navigable courses. This workshop will help you meet the Specific Review Standards in General Standard 8. 10/3 to 10/15

Online Learning Consortium (view complete list)

  • AI for Collaborative Brainstorming
    In this workshop, explore the intersection of human creativity and artificial intelligence. Participants will learn to employ design thinking techniques for brainstorming alongside leveraging human peers and generative AI tools to produce innovative ideas and course design solutions. By the end of the workshop, attendees will not only master the art of using generative AI for brainstorming but also gain proficiency in crafting effective prompts to maximize their creative potential. 10/21 to 10/27
  • Trauma-Informed Pedagogy to Support Student Success
    This session will provide an overview of trauma-informed pedagogy and its application to teaching and learning, reflecting on the heightened stress students face due to recent global disruptions. Designed to empower educators, this workshop will explore core principles of trauma-informed pedagogy, recognizing signs of trauma, and fostering hope and healing. Through engaging discussions and strategic planning, participants will learn practical strategies to create a safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environment for all students. 10/7 to 10/13
  • Student Motivation in the Age of AI: A Discussion on Creating Assessments that Matter
    In this webinar, participants will explore how to develop meaningful activities and assessments that truly engage students. With the rise of generative AI, this session will delve into the role of peer review in fostering critical thinking and student motivation. The webinar will conclude with a reflective panel discussion. 10/30

Responsibilities of Grant Recipients
  • Complete the designated workshop (i.e. submit a certificate of completion to the CTLE along with your 7-digit employee number to Sending your completion certificate to another address and/or not including your employee number will delay your stipend. All completion certificates must be submitted before June 30 of the academic year at hand.
  • If asked, respond to a CTLE survey upon completion of training.
Responsibilities of the CTLE
  • Provide resources and support for completion of training
  • Provide funding for course/program registration.
  • Provide documentation of award and completion of training.

Rubric for Online Instruction

Though professional development grants for online education, workshops, training sessions, and consultations, the CTLE supports faculty in their efforts to improve online instruction at UHD by promoting best practices as delineated by the various sections of the UHD Rubric for Online Instruction.

Suggested Workshops Based on the UHD Rubric

Unsure of which workshop to take? We are happy to consult with you in advance of your application. Likewise, we encourage UHD faculty to consider the UHD Rubric for Online Instruction. By running a current course through the rubric in a self-assessment, faculty can then make more informed choices about workshop options to address particular instructional needs. By examining your course through the lens of our Online Instruction Rubric, you will inevitably find areas that have room for improvement. Please consult the Rubric walk-through page, as it connects faculty to potential learning opportunities offered through Quality Matters and the Online Learning Consortium. Contact the CTLE ( for more information on assistance with enrolling.


If any questions about these Professional Development Grants or the application process should be directed to the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence, or x2724.