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Staff Council Bylaws

1. Name

The name of the organization shall be the University of Houston-Downtown Staff Council (hereinafter referred to as "UHD Staff Council"). 

2. Mission Statement

UHD Staff Council is an advisory body to the President and the Administration of the University of Houston Downtown (hereinafter referred to as "University"). Recognizing that staff is integral to the functioning of the University, its purpose is to promote a positive and meaningful exchange among staff, faculty, and students and to formulate and recommend policies which affect staff. UHD Staff Council also promotes recognition of staff contributions to the mission of the University and recommends individuals to serve on committees where policies and procedures affecting staff will be discussed. 

These bylaws serve as a tool for collaborative efforts aimed at achieving the professional goals of the UHD Staff Council membership. 

3. Membership

University staff members are automatically members of the UHD Staff Council. Upon employment, all new staff will automatically be welcomed to the UHD Staff Council body at the New Employee Orientation. Assistant and associate deans, deans, executive directors, assistant and associate vice presidents, vice presidents, the President, student workers and temporary employees are excluded from membership in the UHD Staff Council. 

4. Duties And Responsibilities

The UHD Staff Council shall represent the staff interests of the University and shall be responsible for the following: 

  • Nominating staff members to serve on University-wide committees 
  • Appointing staff to standing and ad hoc committees 
  • Preparing and submitting an annual executive report, including a financial summary, to the University leadership and posting it to the UHD Staff Council website 
  • Coordinating annual UHD Staff Council Membership Board elections
  • Preparing and submitting to the President of the University proposals and position papers on staff concerns 
  • Making recommendations to appropriate University leadership and Administration about staff development programs on topics relative to staff 
  • Having one representative on the University Academic Affairs Council 
  • Providing collaboration on governance issues 
  • Conducting one general UHD Staff Council meeting, at a minimum, each quarter

5. Staff Council Membership Board

The Staff Council Membership Board consists of the Executive Board and Division Ambassadors. 

  • 5.1 Executive Board

The Executive Board shall consist of the following UHD Staff Council Officers: President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Communications Officer. 

  • 5.2 Staff Council Division Ambassadors

The Division Ambassadors shall be made up of ten (10) members: two (2) from Academic Affairs, two (2) from Student Success and Student Life, two (2) from Enrollment Management, two (2) from Administration and Finance, one (1) from Human Resources (hereinafter referred to as “HR”), and one (1) from the President's Office and Advancement and University Relations. 

  • 5.3 Terms

Executive Board and Division Ambassadors shall be elected for a single, one-year term. Elections will be held for the membership of the Staff Council. Staff will be eligible for re-election to the same office or another Staff Council Membership Board position. 

  • 5.4 Eligibility

All benefits-eligible staff members in good standing and with a minimum of one year of service at the University are eligible to be nominated for service on the Staff Council Membership Board. Administrative staff (including assistant and associate deans, deans, executive directors, assistant and associate vice presidents, vice presidents, and the University President) are ineligible for service on the Executive Board or Ambassador position. Terms of office shall begin on September 1 and end on August 31. Work experience that correlates to the position of interest is preferred, but not required (with exception to the positions of President and President-Elect). 

  • 5.5 Nominations

The nomination process will open on the first Monday and close on the third Monday in May. Self-nominations are accepted. Staff may not run for Officer and Ambassador Positions concurrently All candidates shall complete the Staff Council Membership Board Candidate Form. All nominations will be reviewed by HR to ensure eligibility. Qualified candidates will be included on the ballot. 

  • 5.6 Elections

Elections for the Staff Council Membership Board shall open on the first Monday in June and close on the third Monday in June. Terms of office shall begin on September 1. Elections guidelines can be found on the Staff Council website under the subsection “Elections”. 

5.6.1 Any changes to the process of the elections outlined in the guidelines, consult Staff Council Executive Board before elections commence. 

5.6.2 Any inconsistency during the election process, the Staff Council Executive Board can request a review. The reviewers will consist of current Staff Council President, Staff Council President-Elect, Ombuds Representative, and HR Leadership Representative. 

  • 5.7 Vacancies and Resignation

A resignation must be submitted in writing to the Staff Council President at least two weeks prior to the effective date of resignation, or whenever possible, that clearly states the reason(s) for resignation from Staff Council position. Vacancies created by resignation will be filled as follows:

5.7.1 Vacancies that occur within 60 days after elections, the Staff Council President shall appoint the nominee with the next highest votes from those candidates nominated, but not elected, in the last election. The appointed member will serve until the next official election. 

5.7.2 In the event there is not another candidate from the election then follow section 5.7.3 

5.7.3 Executive vacancies that occur beyond 60 days after elections, the Staff Council President shall appoint a Division Ambassador to fill the vacancies. The appointed member will serve until the next official election.

5.7.4 The Staff Council President shall also appoint a new Division Ambassador to fill newly created ambassador vacancies.

5.7.5 If for any reason a member of the Staff Council Membership Board cannot continue to serve out his/her term of office, that person may voluntarily resign. 

5.7.6 Upon notice of resignation, the person resigning has one (1) week to remove any personal items from Staff Council space and return any items that are the property of Staff Council to the Staff Council President. 

  • 5.8 Duties

The Executive Board shall consider all matters brought before the UHD Staff Council and make referrals to the proper committees when necessary. A summary of the duties of the Executive Board Officers is outlined below. Complete position descriptions may be found on the Staff Council website. 

  • 5.8.1 President

Serves as chair of the UHD Staff Council Executive Board and represents the UHD Staff Council on University leadership committees, such as the Executive Council, the Planning and Budget Development Council, and the Academic Affairs Council. Enforces all regulations and policies as specified in the Staff Council Bylaws and presides at all Staff Council meetings. 

  • 5.8.2 President-Elect

Assists the President in performing his/her leadership responsibilities and represents the President when required. Oversees all Staff Council standing committees. The person elected President-Elect serves a two-year term: year one as President-Elect, and year two as President. 

  • 5.8.3 Secretary

Handles the recording and distribution of all minutes of all Staff Council Membership Board and Staff Council meetings and all correspondence of Staff Council (including overseeing the Elections Committee). Oversees the conduct of Staff Council business to ensure adherence to the Bylaws. Responsible for the administration of the Staff Council elections. 

  • 5.8.4 Treasurer

Maintains the Staff Council's budgets, by processing and reconciling expenditures and revenue transactions monthly. Provides a financial report of the organization's financial activities to Staff Council as changes occur. 

  • 5.8.5 Communications Officer

Designs, develops, and maintains the Staff Council website and social media for the posting and distribution of information about Staff Council events and activities. Provides information to the University Relations Office regarding Staff Council elections, meetings, and accomplishments. Maintains and provides a central and accessible location for storing historical files of Staff Council events and activities. 

  • 5.8.6 Division Ambassadors

Ambassadors will represent the interests of their division(s) and share Staff Council news, events, etc., with their respective divisions. Ten (10) Ambassadors will be elected as follows: two (2) from Academic Affairs, two (2) from Student Success and Student Life, two (2) from Enrollment Management, two (2) from Administration and Finance, one (1) from Human Resources, and one (1) from the President's Office and Advancement and University Relations. Each ambassador will chair a committee created by the Staff Council Executive Board, whenever applicable. 

  • 5.9 Benefits

The Executive Committee members shall receive a stipend during their one-year term as outlined below:

Position Estimated Monthly Time Commitment Monthly Stipend
President 25 hours $250
President-Elect 15 hours $150
Secretary 15 hours $150
Communications Officer 15 hours $150
Treasurer 12 hours $120
If a member of the Executive Board is unable to complete their term or duties as outlined, their stipend will be subject to revocation. If a member leaves their staff post for any reason and is unable to fulfill their duties, their stipend will be adjusted as needed. The Staff Council President will receive a complimentary reserved parking space in the Academic Faculty/Staff Garage during their tenure as President. 
  • 5.10 Orientation

An orientation session for newly elected Executive Board and Division Ambassadors shall be held before the first scheduled Staff Council meeting of the fiscal year, and the Staff Council President shall conduct the orientation session. 

  • 5.11 Forfeiture of Membership

Any Staff Council Membership Board member who misses three (3) consecutive Staff Council meetings without first notifying the President, President-Elect, or Secretary or without giving good cause for the absence (including, but not necessarily limited to, vacation, sickness or injury, leave, or workload), will be dismissed from the Staff Council Membership Board and will be replaced according to section 5.7. 

  • 5.12 Impeachment

Grounds for impeachment are any of the following and must be voted on by 2/3 of the Staff Council Membership Board: 

    • Failure to fulfill duties of office. 
    • Failure to actively participate in Staff Council. 
    • Misrepresentation of the elected office position or University as an organization. 

The accuser shall present the case with supporting documentation. The accused shall be given a chance to defend. 

6. Meetings

  • 6.1 Staff Council General Meetings 

Staff Council General meetings (held in-person and/or on virtual platforms) shall be held at a minimum of once per quarter, but preferred at least once a month, to deliver relevant information to staff.  General meeting dates and times will be determined by the Staff Council Executive Board. 

  • 6.2 Standing Committee Meetings 

Staff Council standing committees shall meet on an as-needed basis but not less than once per quarter. 

  • 6.3 Executive Session

During Staff Council meetings, the Staff Council Membership Board may request to go into Executive Session in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. 

  • 6.4 Staff Council Membership Board Meetings

The Staff Council Membership Board shall meet at least once per quarter but preferred to meet once per month. The date and time of such meetings shall be determined by the Staff Council President. 

  • 6.5 Forums / Town Halls

Staff Council may conduct an annual forum for all staff to highlight activities/issues, and to foster an open dialogue with University administrators. The time and place of this forum will be determined by the Executive Board. 

  • 6.6 Quorum

A quorum shall consist of a majority of the Staff Council Membership Board members (50% + 1). No official business or voting shall occur at a meeting with less than a quorum. 

  • 6.7 Voting

Voting at an in-person meeting shall be by a show of hands, unless written ballots are requested by any member, prior to or during the meeting. Voting at a Virtual meeting (hosted on platforms such as Zoom or Teams), shall be used by either electronic ballots (such as polls or surveys) or a show of visible hands to conduct urgent business matters during such scheduled meetings. Staff Council Membership Board members are the only voting members for the Staff Council. 

7. UHD Staff Council Committees

The UHD Staff Council standing committees are: Elections Committee, Events Committee, Communications Committee, and Staff Affairs Committee. Special ad hoc committees shall be called as needed. The chair of each committee will give a report to the UHD Staff Council Secretary to be included in discussion at the next UHD Staff Council Executive meeting.

  • 7.1 Committee Membership

    • 7.1.1 Eligibility

No elected Officer of the UHD Staff Council Executive Committee shall chair a UHD Staff Council standing committee. Ambassadors on term will chair a committee of choice and work with the President and President-Elect on filling the committee. The UHD Staff Council President will appoint ambassadors to committees if deemed necessary. 

    • 7.1.2 Term

The UHD Staff Council President and President-Elect will appoint members to UHD Staff Council Committees with help of the chair from each committee. The term of committee membership and of the chair shall be from September 1 through August 31. 

  • 7.2 Standing Committees

    • 7.2.1 Elections Committee

The Elections Committee is responsible for overseeing and conducting the annual Staff Council elections. The UHD Staff Council Secretary will coordinate with the chair of the Elections Committee to ensure the committee follows the Election Process Guidelines (EPG) and bylaws during the election process. After elections, the committee provides, to the Staff Council President, the results of the elections for filling the upcoming elected positions. 

    • 7.2.2 Events Committee

The Events Committee is responsible for planning all UHD Staff Council campus-wide staff events, and other activities selected and approved by the UHD Staff Council Executive Board. 

  • 7.2.3 Communications Committee

The Communications Committee is responsible for maintenance of the UHD Staff Council bulletin board located on the third floor (updated a minimum of once per quarter), and all external communication, including releases to University media.

  • 7.2.4 Staff Affairs Committee

The Staff Affairs Committee which is responsible for reviewing all emerging issues affecting UHD staff (i.e., benefits, parking, safety, staff development and training, annual forum with University President, and Edge Award). The chair will give a report to the UHD Staff Council Secretary to be included in discussion at the next UHD Staff Council Executive meeting.

  • 7.2.5 Special Committees

Ad hoc committees may be appointed by the UHD Staff Council President and President-Elect as needed.

8. Amendment Of Bylaws

  • 8.1 Bylaws Amendment Proposals

Any UHD Staff Council member may propose an amendment to the Bylaws by submitting to the UHD Staff Council Secretary his/her written proposal.

  • 8.2 Presentation and Discussion of Proposals

The proposed amendment(s) shall be presented and discussed either at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the UHD Staff Council Membership Board, or by a special session called by the UHD Staff Council President after the UHD Staff Council Secretary receives the written proposal. Subsequently, the proposed amendment shall be placed on the agenda for discussion with the UHD Staff Council Secretary responsible for distributing a copy of the proposed amendment(s) to all members at or before the meeting. 

  • 8.3 Vote on Proposal

The voting procedures will take place by either virtual (as defined in section 6.7) or by using an electronic substitute like email. The Bylaws shall be amended upon a majority vote of the Staff Council members present (providing there is a quorum, as defined in section 6.6) at a designated meeting or voting request. 

9. Adoption Of New Bylaws

The proposed Bylaws will be placed on the agenda for discussion at a regularly scheduled meeting to be followed with a draft being circulated to the staff-at-large for comments. At the end of a 10-day comment period, the President will call a special meeting to vote on the adoption of the new Bylaws. Upon adoption, new Bylaws shall be effective immediately. 

Bylaws adopted May 19, 2015.