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Field Experience

B.A in English Internships 

ENG 4831: Field Experience
Credits: 3  Class: 3  Lab: 0
Prerequisite(s): At least 15 hours of upper-level English and departmental approval.

Catalog Description:
Work experience in public or private sector positions of relevance to the field of English. Conferences with the instructor and other academic assignments are required.

How to Pursue an Internship for ENG 4381:
UHD English majors can learn more about internship opportunities that fit with their studies at UHD’s Main Career Center, but they might also learn of an opportunity independently.

Either way, if an English major makes a connection with a company or organization’s internship position, the student can determine if that position is a good fit for ENG 4831 if the work entails:

  • 120 hours over the course of a long semester
  • Use of several skills emphasized in and valued by our curriculum, including:
    • Critical reading skills, writing, editing, proofreading, archival description, research, creative thought, social media management, communication, collaboration with others to develop fresh ideas, community-building, education and educational outreach, and administrative work in literary, cinematic, and other cultural nonprofit organizations or companies.

If it’s a good fit, at least one month in advance of the start of any semester, email the Coordinator of the B.A. in English with a request for ENG 4381 credit. In the email, provide:

  • Name of the company or organization 
  • Link to their website 
  • Their mailing address 
  • The name of the contact for the internship, with phone number and email address 
  • What the internship entails 

Once the Coordinator receives that information, the Coordinator will email the student UHD’s Field Experience Application for them to complete and email back with its required attachments. In consultation with the Chair of the Department of English, the Coordinator will either approve / not approve the internship for ENG 4381.

Requirements for ENG 4381 Credit

Upon approval, any student enrolled in ENG 4381 must meet the following requirements for credit:

Required from Intern:

  • Mid-term report (3 pages single or 1.5 spaced, in Microsoft Word)
    • Due mid-semester by 11:59pm
    • List of hours kept so far (weekly tally)
    • List of tasks completed (weekly)
    • Brief reflection on field experience so far
  • Final report (4 pages single or 1.5 spaced, plus Appendix of 3-5 deliverables from internship, in Microsoft Word)
    • Due Last Day of Classes by 11:59 p.m.
    • List of hours kept since mid-term (weekly tally)
    • List of tasks completed since mid-term (weekly)
    • Final reflection on significance of deliverables and field experience in general
    • Appendix of 3 to 5 deliverables (completed written projects, completed research projects, other kinds of communication completed for internship), included after the final report

Required from Company / Organization:

  • Internship evaluation
  • Form completed by company / organization
  • Due the Last Day of Classes, by 11:59pm

Chuck Jackson, Ph.D., Professor of English and Coordinator of the B.A. in English, Room S1039